As we look around the nation we have to wonder what is going on. I’m not trying to politically correct. I think political correctness is ruining this nation. We have to be careful on what we say how we look at people and so on. The minute we say something it is called profiling.
Let me give you an example, the other day I was walking down the street in South Florida of all places and 2 guys were walking and kissing, ok but why do they have do it in public, then one put his hand down the other guys pants on his buttocks again I say why do they have do it public? Maybe they want to get someone like me a staunch conservative to open his mouth so they could call a hate crime if I say something or maybe it is the fact that I’m not sensitive to their life style? Let me tell what I think about it and trust me it is not going to be POLITICALLY CORRECT.
First of all I don’t care if was a man and women, you don’t go down a public street and French kissing, and grabbing each other’s butt. There are other people and not mention the fact little children walking down the street that might have some morals. Oh I know I’m supposed to be tolerant of their plight. Well let me tell you it is discussing and immoral whether it is a man and women or two men, or even two women, it is downright disgusting.
People have lost their moral compass in our society today. The Bible says in Isaiah 5:20-21, 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! NKJV.
So we have it, are they not calling good evil, when you try to live a moral life, they think there is something wrong with you, they say you are not living in the 21st century. When youth are respectful to their parents it is a rare thing, they say the parents are too strict. Then calling evil good, people being disrespectful and rude these are true hate crimes.
Jesus talked about the last days, when people would not walk in love. He said, that is Jesus, that the love of many would grow cold.
Second Timothy has a lot to say about the last days and what we can expect to be happening.
2 Timothy 3:1-7, 3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. NKJV
These verses kind of sum up what is happening in the world today and even in our own country, it is time for believers in Jesus start to spread the Gospel of Jesus and start taking a moral stand for what is right. We are the salt of the earth and light on hill for crying out loud don’t let your salt lose is savor and don’t let your light go out.
We are the moral barometer in the world today, let’s stay that way. When the church is less like the world it is the most effective. The church is supposed to be a beacon in the world, but I often think the established church =is no different than the rest of the world. It’s time to be different. In the New Testament the disciples were different and for that they were persecuted. Let’s dare to be different.
I said at the beginning about being politically correct, this is no time to be politically correct. I wrong is wrong according the Word of God, then we are obligated to speak the truth in love, not be tolerant about it or have a false sense of compassion towards people doing wrong saying God loves them, He does and He loves everyone that’s why He sent Jesus in the first place. But He does not and will never condone sin and wrong and unnatural living.
God bless until the next time
The Word Works are the Sunday, Wednesday and Special Meeting Videos of Abundant Grace Church in Toms River NJ 08753 Services are Sunday at 10:00 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM, with Revolution Youth Ministry and Roots Children's Ministry If you blessed by these messages and would like to send a Love Offering. Please make checks payable to AGC and mail to Abundant Grace Church 108 Indian Head Rd (Rt.571) Toms River, NJ 08753
Friday, January 22, 2010
Don't Worry Be Happy
Therefore do not worry and be anxious.
– Matthew 6:31
God is strongly against worry. Jesus preached against it. Paul preached against it. The whole Bible preaches against worry because it was designed by Satan to produce stress, strain, and death.
Yet many people still worry and get anxious about things that sometimes are out of our control anyway, Jesus tells not to worry and tells us about the results in Matthew 6.
So if you’re not supposed to worry what are you supposed to do, well over in 1 Peter 5:7, God says you should “cast them all upon Him.” All of them not some of them or 75 percent of them, not all of them but the ones about your kids. All of them!
My confession is this, “I do not have a care in this world because I’ve cast every one of them onto my Lord.” That’s what your confession should be also.
The word cast, means to throw away, it’s like if had a ball and I threw it to someone else and you said pastor throw me the ball and I said I don’t have it any more.
That’s what you need to do with your worries. You need to cast them over on the Lord and not take them back. If Satan brings a worried thought to your mind, saying, “What if this terrible thing happens?” then you can tell him to talk to God about it. It’s in His hands, not yours!
Once you do that, changes will start to take place in your life. Problems you’ve been fretting about for years will start being solved. You’ll no longer be tying God’s hands with your worrying. His power can begin to operate because you’ve acted in faith and cast your cares on Him!
Remember, though, God will not take your cares away from you. You have to give them to Him. Then you have to replace those worries with the Word. You are the one who has to keep your thoughts under control. But you can do it. The Greater One dwells within you. He is able to put you over. Commit to it. You’ll never have to worry again.
Remember Don’t Worry Be Happy
Therefore do not worry and be anxious.
– Matthew 6:31
God is strongly against worry. Jesus preached against it. Paul preached against it. The whole Bible preaches against worry because it was designed by Satan to produce stress, strain, and death.
Yet many people still worry and get anxious about things that sometimes are out of our control anyway, Jesus tells not to worry and tells us about the results in Matthew 6.
So if you’re not supposed to worry what are you supposed to do, well over in 1 Peter 5:7, God says you should “cast them all upon Him.” All of them not some of them or 75 percent of them, not all of them but the ones about your kids. All of them!
My confession is this, “I do not have a care in this world because I’ve cast every one of them onto my Lord.” That’s what your confession should be also.
The word cast, means to throw away, it’s like if had a ball and I threw it to someone else and you said pastor throw me the ball and I said I don’t have it any more.
That’s what you need to do with your worries. You need to cast them over on the Lord and not take them back. If Satan brings a worried thought to your mind, saying, “What if this terrible thing happens?” then you can tell him to talk to God about it. It’s in His hands, not yours!
Once you do that, changes will start to take place in your life. Problems you’ve been fretting about for years will start being solved. You’ll no longer be tying God’s hands with your worrying. His power can begin to operate because you’ve acted in faith and cast your cares on Him!
Remember, though, God will not take your cares away from you. You have to give them to Him. Then you have to replace those worries with the Word. You are the one who has to keep your thoughts under control. But you can do it. The Greater One dwells within you. He is able to put you over. Commit to it. You’ll never have to worry again.
Remember Don’t Worry Be Happy
Have You Paid Attention To Yourself Lately?
Have You Paid Attention To Yourself Lately?
Take heed unto thyself.
1 Timothy 4:16
Are you constantly serving others without giving yourself needed times of rest and refreshing? Or do you remember that you have spiritual needs too? When Paul wrote First Timothy 4:16, Timothy was a young pastor working ferociously to see his ministry succeed. Timothy was serving as the pastor of the giant church of Ephesus — the world’s largest church at that time. In the process, he was learning to deal with all the problems that go along with serving as the senior pastor of such a large church.
Have you ever been guilty of running around and taking care of everyone else except yourself? Have you ever gotten so busy helping others that you forfeited your own vital time with God? Be honest! Have you ever done this so regularly that you began to feel drained, and you knew it was because you weren’t taking care of your own spiritual needs?
Paul admonished Timothy, “Take heed unto thyself.” Could mean to “take hold of yourself.”
Carol my wife and myself find that it is so easy to become distracted by other things that scream for our attention, whether it is ministry related or not.
We’ve found that if our relationship with God, that is our fellowship time, suffers because you are trying to help everyone else, it will just be a matter of time until you run dry, lose your energy and passion, and have nothing more to offer.
This is exactly what was happening to Timothy! If he was to continue serving as an effective minister to other people, he had to set aside some private time to develop his own relationship with God.
A very good friend mine translates this verse this way: “Get ahold of yourself.” “Make your own spiritual life a priority.” “Don’t get so busy that you forget you have spiritual needs too.”
It’s good to serve the Lord and to be willing to work. You should be faithful at whatever He has called you to do, whether it is ministry or in the local church. But you should never get so busy that you forget your own spiritual needs and thus end up running dry of spiritual power. Take Paul’s words to heart. Never forget to “take heed unto thyself “!
If you are going to serve God and do His will for years to come, it is essential that you make your own spiritual life your first priority. After all, you can only give what you have inside you. If you run dry because you never spend time with the Lord, it won’t be long until you have nothing left to give to anyone!
So if you wish to continue being effective for God’s Kingdom, it is mandatory that you don’t forget about your own spiritual need to grow and to be refreshed by the Word. As Paul’s words could be understood, “Don’t get so busy that you forget you have spiritual needs too!”
Some of this was taken from “Sparkling Gems from the Greek,” by Rick Renner.
Check Rick out at
Take heed unto thyself.
1 Timothy 4:16
Are you constantly serving others without giving yourself needed times of rest and refreshing? Or do you remember that you have spiritual needs too? When Paul wrote First Timothy 4:16, Timothy was a young pastor working ferociously to see his ministry succeed. Timothy was serving as the pastor of the giant church of Ephesus — the world’s largest church at that time. In the process, he was learning to deal with all the problems that go along with serving as the senior pastor of such a large church.
Have you ever been guilty of running around and taking care of everyone else except yourself? Have you ever gotten so busy helping others that you forfeited your own vital time with God? Be honest! Have you ever done this so regularly that you began to feel drained, and you knew it was because you weren’t taking care of your own spiritual needs?
Paul admonished Timothy, “Take heed unto thyself.” Could mean to “take hold of yourself.”
Carol my wife and myself find that it is so easy to become distracted by other things that scream for our attention, whether it is ministry related or not.
We’ve found that if our relationship with God, that is our fellowship time, suffers because you are trying to help everyone else, it will just be a matter of time until you run dry, lose your energy and passion, and have nothing more to offer.
This is exactly what was happening to Timothy! If he was to continue serving as an effective minister to other people, he had to set aside some private time to develop his own relationship with God.
A very good friend mine translates this verse this way: “Get ahold of yourself.” “Make your own spiritual life a priority.” “Don’t get so busy that you forget you have spiritual needs too.”
It’s good to serve the Lord and to be willing to work. You should be faithful at whatever He has called you to do, whether it is ministry or in the local church. But you should never get so busy that you forget your own spiritual needs and thus end up running dry of spiritual power. Take Paul’s words to heart. Never forget to “take heed unto thyself “!
If you are going to serve God and do His will for years to come, it is essential that you make your own spiritual life your first priority. After all, you can only give what you have inside you. If you run dry because you never spend time with the Lord, it won’t be long until you have nothing left to give to anyone!
So if you wish to continue being effective for God’s Kingdom, it is mandatory that you don’t forget about your own spiritual need to grow and to be refreshed by the Word. As Paul’s words could be understood, “Don’t get so busy that you forget you have spiritual needs too!”
Some of this was taken from “Sparkling Gems from the Greek,” by Rick Renner.
Check Rick out at
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Boy is Robertson is taking a lot flack this week over his comments about Haiti. As you may remember he said that Haiti made a curse with the devil and is cursed that is why they earthquake.
I’m not here to defend or throw Pat under a bus as some people have in last couple of days. But some at people at Fox News, Gov. Huckabee and the Catholic Priest news contributor, his name escapes at this time, continue to throw him under a bus. I like Fox news and watch all the time, it is the only news network I allow in my home all the others are blocked. But please guys stop being so sarcastic and stop mocking. What Pat Robertson said was not even news worthy, most people would have never knew what he said it if it had not been reported.
The first thing we need understand is the fact that Haiti does sit on fault and is susceptible to earthquakes. So I don’t think the earthquake is a direct act of God because they made a pact with the devil. That is as irresponsible as what Jerry Fallwell said about 9/11. In case you forgot he said that the attack on 9/11 was God’s judgment on homosexuality.
But is Haiti under a curse, let’s look at some facts, poorest nation western hemisphere, voodoo capital of the world, disease is rampant, hunger is rampant and the list could go on and on. How do I know this? It is simple I’ve been there many times over the years as a minister of the Word of God. I’ve lived with and talked to the people who live there, I’ve spent time in the remote areas of the island up n the mountains an 8 hour trip out of Port Au Prince.
You should study the history of Haiti and you’d realize that the island has been an place of turmoil since the French ruled and left after the revolution.
Please read the following: According to the official "History of Haiti and the Haitian Revolution", in 1791 the following events occurred:
A man named Boukman, another houngan, organized on August 14, 1791, a meeting with the slaves in the mountains of the North. This meeting took the form of a Voodoo ceremony in the Bois Caiman in the northern mountains of the island. It was raining and the sky was raging with clouds; the slaves then started confessing their resentment of their condition. A woman started dancing languorously in the crowd, taken by the spirits of the loas. With a knife in her hand, she cut the throat of a pig and distributed the blood to all the participants of the meeting who swore to kill all the whites on the island. On August 22, 1791, the blacks of the North entered into a rebellion, killing all the whites they met and setting the plantations of the colony on fire. However, the French quickly captured the leader of the slaves, Boukman, and beheaded him, bringing the rebellion under control.
This is widely accepted as the starting point for the Haitian Revolution and ever since that revolution that little island nation has been under such oppression and it is still under oppression as we speak.
As said above Haiti is the Voodoo of the world and still it is still the major religion in that country even thought there are many missions and different relief organizations working there.
A personal note here is this; I believe that much as there is needed help in that country, we have given them so much without giving the any responsibility and in doing that we have done more harm than good. And my dear friend it starts with the government, we in US have poured billions of dollars into that country and it all disappeared, going into the hands of a very corrupt government and the poor people live in poverty.
The Bible says in. Prov 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. NKJV, Deut 8:20 As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God NKJV, Prov 26: 2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. KJV
From its inception this country has been under some kind of darkness ever since the revolution, their government has been corrupt, lest we forget Papa Doc and Baby Doc, more than likely the most corrupt of them all. And then we had President Aristead, and catholic priest who turned to voodoo and it has been said that he as one of his first acts as president was that he sacrificed a pig at the capitol building. I don’t how true that is but I find it interesting.
Again back to Pat Robertson, I’m not saying I agree with Pat Robertson all I’ll saying let’s cut him some slack, when you give as much as give and touch as many lives as he has then maybe you can say something. But in the meantime he believes what he believes. Also people, who don’t understand that there are two realms that we deal with, even some Christian ministers, because they are so in touch with the natural realm. A lot of them talk about faith and so forth. But they just don’t understand the spiritual and natural realm.
Our church in New Jersey is receiving offerings for the people of Haiti, and were working with another ministry in Florida and we’re working on the ground in Haiti with another ministry that is doing a great work locally there on that island.
Maybe this earthquake is the beginning for Haiti to make a turnaround? I can’t answer that question but one thing I do know on personal level and that is Haiti is strange place, much darkness prevails.
I’m not here to defend or throw Pat under a bus as some people have in last couple of days. But some at people at Fox News, Gov. Huckabee and the Catholic Priest news contributor, his name escapes at this time, continue to throw him under a bus. I like Fox news and watch all the time, it is the only news network I allow in my home all the others are blocked. But please guys stop being so sarcastic and stop mocking. What Pat Robertson said was not even news worthy, most people would have never knew what he said it if it had not been reported.
The first thing we need understand is the fact that Haiti does sit on fault and is susceptible to earthquakes. So I don’t think the earthquake is a direct act of God because they made a pact with the devil. That is as irresponsible as what Jerry Fallwell said about 9/11. In case you forgot he said that the attack on 9/11 was God’s judgment on homosexuality.
But is Haiti under a curse, let’s look at some facts, poorest nation western hemisphere, voodoo capital of the world, disease is rampant, hunger is rampant and the list could go on and on. How do I know this? It is simple I’ve been there many times over the years as a minister of the Word of God. I’ve lived with and talked to the people who live there, I’ve spent time in the remote areas of the island up n the mountains an 8 hour trip out of Port Au Prince.
You should study the history of Haiti and you’d realize that the island has been an place of turmoil since the French ruled and left after the revolution.
Please read the following: According to the official "History of Haiti and the Haitian Revolution", in 1791 the following events occurred:
A man named Boukman, another houngan, organized on August 14, 1791, a meeting with the slaves in the mountains of the North. This meeting took the form of a Voodoo ceremony in the Bois Caiman in the northern mountains of the island. It was raining and the sky was raging with clouds; the slaves then started confessing their resentment of their condition. A woman started dancing languorously in the crowd, taken by the spirits of the loas. With a knife in her hand, she cut the throat of a pig and distributed the blood to all the participants of the meeting who swore to kill all the whites on the island. On August 22, 1791, the blacks of the North entered into a rebellion, killing all the whites they met and setting the plantations of the colony on fire. However, the French quickly captured the leader of the slaves, Boukman, and beheaded him, bringing the rebellion under control.
This is widely accepted as the starting point for the Haitian Revolution and ever since that revolution that little island nation has been under such oppression and it is still under oppression as we speak.
As said above Haiti is the Voodoo of the world and still it is still the major religion in that country even thought there are many missions and different relief organizations working there.
A personal note here is this; I believe that much as there is needed help in that country, we have given them so much without giving the any responsibility and in doing that we have done more harm than good. And my dear friend it starts with the government, we in US have poured billions of dollars into that country and it all disappeared, going into the hands of a very corrupt government and the poor people live in poverty.
The Bible says in. Prov 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. NKJV, Deut 8:20 As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God NKJV, Prov 26: 2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. KJV
From its inception this country has been under some kind of darkness ever since the revolution, their government has been corrupt, lest we forget Papa Doc and Baby Doc, more than likely the most corrupt of them all. And then we had President Aristead, and catholic priest who turned to voodoo and it has been said that he as one of his first acts as president was that he sacrificed a pig at the capitol building. I don’t how true that is but I find it interesting.
Again back to Pat Robertson, I’m not saying I agree with Pat Robertson all I’ll saying let’s cut him some slack, when you give as much as give and touch as many lives as he has then maybe you can say something. But in the meantime he believes what he believes. Also people, who don’t understand that there are two realms that we deal with, even some Christian ministers, because they are so in touch with the natural realm. A lot of them talk about faith and so forth. But they just don’t understand the spiritual and natural realm.
Our church in New Jersey is receiving offerings for the people of Haiti, and were working with another ministry in Florida and we’re working on the ground in Haiti with another ministry that is doing a great work locally there on that island.
Maybe this earthquake is the beginning for Haiti to make a turnaround? I can’t answer that question but one thing I do know on personal level and that is Haiti is strange place, much darkness prevails.
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