You Are A “Nike” Person
Victory, Conquest and Success
Millions of people are wearing shoes, shirts and hats with a biblical message imprinted on them and they do not even know it. I am talking about people who have bought shoes and clothes with the Nike logo.
“Nike” is a biblical word. The original Greek word translated as “victory” in 1 John 5:4 is “nike,” pronounced “flee’ kay.” This word also means conquest and success.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory (nike) that overcometh the world, even our faith.
(1 John 5:4).
When I discovered the word “nike” in the Bible meant conquest, victory and success, I became excited and I though I was the “Nike Man.”
If you own sporting apparel from the Nike Corporation, such as a pair of Nike tennis shoes or a Nike hat, you are wearing a symbol of victory. You are wearing something that symbolizes overcoming and being victorious. I am not endorsing the Nike Corporation or their sporting apparel. I am just pointing out what the word “nike” means.
You can tell people the word “nike” is in the Bible and means victory; conquest and success. You can tell them about the real “nike Man,” Jesus Christ. Jesus died so we can be victorious in this life and the life to come. Tell them they can be a “nike person” in Jesus.
The Devil Has Been Swooshed
Nike shoes and clothes carry a logo that looks like a checkmark. This mark is called a “swoosh.” The meaning of the “swoosh” is basically leave them in the dust.
The serpent is symbolic for the devil. In Genesis God cursed the devil:
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon
thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all
the days of thy life:
(Genesis 3:14).
The serpent in the Garden of Eden was used by the devil. God told the serpent he was going to eat dust. Did you know that the devil has been “swooshed” by God?
1 John 5:4 says, Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. Jesus overcame the world. He overcame death, hell and everything. He overcame the god of this world, the prince and power of the air. Jesus has overcome it all.
When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, you became an overcomer by becoming part of His family. When you became born again, you were born of God. You have a share in the spoils of Jesus victory over the devil. It is not because of anything you did. In yourself you could not overcome the devil, but through Jesus you share in His victory Nike people are victors over the devil through Jesus. Nike people leave the devil in the dust.
Just Do It
The Nike Corporation used to have an advertising slogan, “Just Do It!” The Nike Corporation is not just selling sporting apparel; they are selling an image of success and victory. The Nike Corporation does this by associating their products with winners. When you buy Nike shoes and sporting apparel, the company wants you to feel like you are a winner too. The next time you are out somewhere, look around. You will see that Nike has been very successful in marketing their products. Almost everywhere you go people are wearing Nike tennis shoes, Nike hats and Nike shirts.
Image is important today. People wear all kinds of things to project a successful image. People wear designer clothing and name brand shoes to make a statement. People try to say they have arrived because they are wearing a particular garment or a particular brand of shoes.
People are willing to pay a price to wear the right clothes and shoes. A pair of fancy tennis shoes is expensive. There are also many more styles to choose from than ever before. Stores sell shoes to walk in, shoes to run in, shoes to jog in, shoes to play sports in, and shoes that do not even look like shoes. When you wear the Nike brand, you are identifying with the logo and the image that says, “I am a victor. I am a conqueror. I have arrived.”
Identify With Jesus
Our society has more of an understanding of what it means to be a winner through the subtle message of a Nike tennis shoe than they do through the word “Christian.” But when we call ourselves Christians, we are born of God and through Jesus we are winners. Through Jesus we are over-corners and have success and victory.
It is good to identify with being a success. It is good for you to identify with being a conqueror and being a victor. God wants you to identify with Jesus. Jesus is a victor. Jesus is a success.
The garments on the outside are not important. The important thing is for you to understand who you are in Christ. In Christ you are a super-victor. Wear your Nike gear if you like, but say, In Jesus I am a winner! In Jesus, I am an over comer In Jesus; I am more than a conqueror! In Jesus, I have arrived
God wants you to see a new spiritual image of yourself. He wants you to identify with the victories of Jesus. Jesus overcame hell, death and the grave. He defeated all the enemies we will ever encounter. As a Christian, you are entitled to share in the benefits belonging to Jesus Christ. As a Christian you share in the inheritance of Jesus. Grasp this truth in your mind and you will remove all the limits that are keeping you from doing what God wants you to do.
The Word of God says you are a success through Jesus (2 Corinthians 2:14). it is good to line your thinking up with the Word of God. This is not about the power of positive thinking. It is much more than that. This is about the power of the positive Word of God. When you have the Word of God in you and it begins to renew your mind, it will change you into who God wants you to be. The Word of God in you will make you a victorious overcomer through all the challenges of life.
You can be living a life where there are no limits in what you can do through Jesus. Rejoice in the fact that you are born of God. The Bibles says, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory (nike) that overcometh the world, even our faith.
(1 John 5:4).